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How to write a good blog post – not an expert!

November 17, 2009

There are things that I am proud of- but not blogging so long is definitely not on the list. I am not commenting on whether it was lack of time, idea or willingness.

Anyway, I have been reading other blogs- good sensible ones, funny ones and definitely interesting ones. Let us forgive the bad ones and forget them – for we do not where we belong.


So, not to meander, here goes what I gather, makes a good post.

Story– There should be a point to what you write. It may not be funny, it may not be full of big words, it may not be something that everyone would want to know about, but “It should have a reason to be written as a  post that others should read”. Please no rantings about how unjust the world is, or something like that! (Even that could be written with a point)

Learning #1 This blog from time to time has pointless posts.

How the story is told – I am not saying that blogging is for the “Doyens of the literary world” (Who uses the word doyen anyway, except magazines and newspapers to describe an old filmstar/singer/dancer/someone whom they dont know what to call”!!!)  However, do not write as if you are writing  grocery list. Put some thought into how words are arranged, how good language can make it look smarter and more eye catching, and basically how spelling and grammar match.

When the story telling stops – Yes, you have got that topic to write about that whole world would want to know. Great! But there is only so much that the topic can be interesting. Review of the latest movie that you watched first day first show? – Wow. But dont give me the screenplay, buddy!

Now, if you have read till the end, good,let me know where this blog ranks!

Disclaimer: As the title claims, I am no expert and do not claim that this post is serious guidance to aspiring bloggers..

From → Blog

  1. hi shubha, Iam gayathri (arun’s cousin), read your blog.. your style is simple and good…continue writing….

  2. Lots of folks write about this topic but you said some true words.

  3. I somehow dont agree with a few things, but its great anyways.

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